The following organizations have recently joined GSSI as funding partners: Grupo Nueva Pescanova, US Foods, AEON Co. Ltd., BidFresh, and Ireland Red Lobster. The IRFM certification scheme is GSSI recognized, and this growing support is important for market opportunities for seafood from Iceland.
The stock density indexes are higher than they have ever been since first assessed in 1996. The study is an important part of the Marine & Freshwater Research Institute’s annual assessment.
Global Trust Certification Ltd. has granted continued certification for the Icelandic Cod (Gadus morhua) Commercial Fisheries, and issued the 3rd Surveillance Report for the fisheries on 7 Desember 2017.
Iceland is currently in the limelight in France as the honorary guest at the Strasbourg Christmas Market, the oldest and most famous Christmas market in the world.
Icelandic ling, tusk and summer spawning herring fisheries enter full assessment. The outcome of the full assessment and certification process is expected before end of 2018.
Presentations about cod products from Iceland were recently held at two culinary schools, Escuela de Cocina Luis Irizar and Basque Culinary Center, in San Sebastián/Donostia, Spain.
Seafood and aquaculture products from Iceland were recently introduced at a presentation in Amsterdam, organised by Dutch distribution company Versvishandel Jan van As, a partner to Iceland Responsible Fisheries (IRF).
The assessment team recommended that the management system of the applicant fisheries under state management by the Icelandic Ministry of Industries and Innovation, fished directly by demersal trawl (main gear), lont-line, gill net, Danish seine net, and hook and line by small vessel gear and indirectly with Nephrops, shrimp and pelagic trawls and purse seines within Iceland's 200 nautical miles EEZ, is granted continued certification, and confirmed continued certification.
Nineteen chefs recently visited Iceland to learn about fishing and food culture in Iceland, and to get inspiration about cooking seafood from Iceland. The group travelled South Iceland, including Vestmannaeyjar (the Westman Islands), and visited fish processing plants. Two chefs from the national culinary team of Iceland, held a cooking seminar,