

IRFM seven fisheries 2nd surveillance announcement 1st of October 2021
4 October 2021

IRFM seven fisheries 2nd surveillance announcement 1st of October 2021

Read full announcement.

Merry Fishmas in France
20 September 2021

Merry Fishmas in France

Fishmas is a marketing campaign by Seafood from Iceland and aims to increase the export value of Icelandic seafood.

IRFM seven fisheries surveillance announcement 7th of December 2020
9 December 2020

IRFM seven fisheries surveillance announcement 7th of December 2020

Read the full announcement.

An Icelandic Celebration Held (at least) Twice a Week
10 September 2020

An Icelandic Celebration Held (at least) Twice a Week

It’s the most wonderful time of the week! An Icelandic Fishmas is a twice weekly culinary celebration of the Nordic island’s bounty of delicious seafood.

Icelandic Cod-, Haddock- and Saithe fisheries re-certified
4 February 2020

Icelandic Cod-, Haddock- and Saithe fisheries re-certified

Read the full Re-assessment Reports here.

IRFM certification program granted continued GSSI recognition
16 January 2020

IRFM certification program granted continued GSSI recognition

As of the 27th of December 2019, the Iceland Responsible Fisheries Programme recieved continued GSSI recognition

Announcement of Peer Reviewers for the Re-Assessment of the Icelandic Haddock & Saithe Commercial Fisheries
27 November 2019

Announcement of Peer Reviewers for the Re-Assessment of the Icelandic Haddock & Saithe Commercial Fisheries

Read the full announcement here.

Icelandic Summer-spawning Herring-, Ling- and Tusk fisheries IRFM certified
29 August 2019

Icelandic Summer-spawning Herring-, Ling- and Tusk fisheries IRFM certified

On August 23, 2019 SAI Global´s Fishery Certification Committee granted the species Ling, Tusk and Herring full certification to the IRFM Standard version 2.0.

TAC quotas for 2019/2020 follow scientific advice
9 July 2019

TAC quotas for 2019/2020 follow scientific advice

For the upcoming fishing year, starting on the 1 September 2019, the cod quota has been increased to 272,411 tons from 264,437 tons for the year before.

Icelandic Goldfish redfish re-certified
8 July 2019

Icelandic Goldfish redfish re-certified

On the 3rd of July 2019, an independent certification committee of Global Trust/SAI Global awarded re-certification to the Icelandic Golden redfish.