Icelandic Goldfish redfish re-certified

On the 3rd of July 2019, an independent certification committee of Global Trust/SAI Global awarded re-certification to the Icelandic Golden redfish (Sebastes norwegicus). The certification demonstrates that the fisheries are managed in a responsible manner according to internationally recognised criteria and is a testament to the continued development of Icelandic fisheries. The certificate is valid for 5 years with annual surveillance assessments.
The certification is to the Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Standard (IRFM, Version 2.0) The re-assessment was in accordance with the third party, ISO17065 accredited system of Global Trust Certification Ltd. and provides a credible and independent certification of responsible fisheries management.
The assessment included a thorough review of the Icelandic fisheries management system including laws, regulations and operations; the Individual Transferable Quota system; data collection, research and stock assessment; enforcement activities and an assessment of the fisheries effects on the ecosystem. Overall, the assessment concluded that the management system and harvest control rules (HCR) adopted a precautionary approach, allowing for responsible harvesting and careful treatment of the wider ecosystem.
The Golden redfish quota for the current fishing year (Sept 2018 – August 2019) is 43.600 tonnes.
The final certification reports are posted on the IRF website (
For further information, please contact:
Finnur Gardarsson, Managing director at IRF Foundation,
Tel +354 896 2400