Catch quotas for 2017/2018 in accordance with scientific advice

26 June 2017

The Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture has decided on total catches in Icelandic waters for the next fishing year, 2017/2018, which will begin 1 September. The decision is in accordance with the scientific advice of the Marine Research Institute. The decision on catch quotas is taken after consultation with stakeholders in the fisheries sector, the government, and members of parliament.

The cod quota is increased to 257,572 tonnes from 244,000 tonnes. There is also an increase in quota for haddoc, from 34,600 to 41,390 tonnes, and saithe from 55,000 to 60,237 tonnes. It should be noted that the catch quota for important pesticides will be decided in the autumn.

Sustainable utilization and precautionary approach are the basic assumptions of the advice from the Marine Research Institute. Harvest control rule is set for ever more fish species. Stakeholders are consulted in developing the harvest control rules, and rules are confirmed by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Therefore, it can be argued that fisheries with Iceland meet international considerations of sustainability and caution.

See more information about the total allowable catch quota for 2017/2018.