Prospects for the Quota Year 2013/2014

7 June 2013

The Marine Research Institue has released its report on State of Marine Stocks in Icelandic Waters 2012/2013 and Prospects for the Quota Year 2013/2014. English summary of the report is now available but the full report in English will be made available online later.

Increase of cod quota by 10%

Based on the present assessment, the total allowable catch for cod should be set at 215,000 tonnes for the next fishing year according to the management plan. This is an increase by 10% from current fishing year. In the MRI's estimation, both the reference stock and the spawning stock of cod have grown rapidly in recent years.

Reccomended TAC of haddock 38,000 tonnes

In March 2013 ICES evaluated a harvest control rule for haddock to be precautionary and in conformity with the MSY approach. The rule was adopted by the Icelandic government in April 2013. Based on the approved harvest control rule, the MRI recommends a total allowable catch of 38,000 tonnes for the quota year 2013/2014.

Saithe to be increased to 57,000 tonnes

The recommended total allowable catch for saithe is recommended to be increased for the upcoming quota year. According to the harvest control rule, the saithe TAC for the quota year 2013/2014 will be 57,000 tonnes.

Many commercial stocks are are exploited moderately

According to the MRI report, many of Iceland's commercial stocks are in balance and are being exploited moderately. As a consequence, changes in stock sizes and quota recommendations are generally affected by variations in recruitment.