Iceland School of Fisheries offers Executive Programme

Iceland School of Fisheries offers Executive Programme

15 June 2015

Reykjavik University has developed an Executive programme for managers and specialists in the fisheries industry worldwide. The programme is for those who want to develope and deepen their understanding of fisheries and ocean science, the impact of economics and management, fish processing, marketing and the latest developments in technology and innovationin the fisheries industry.

The Iceland School of Fisheries is comprised of three one-week sessions that cover all aspects of fisheries management, marketing, processing, quality assessment, and innovation, taught by international experts at Reykjavik University in Iceland. The first is 19-24 October 2015, the second in February 2016, and the third in May 2016. 

Registrations for the October 2015 session are accepted until September, 2015. Further information is available at RU's website.