Leitarniðurstöður fyrir "Saithe"

Síður www.responsiblefisheries.is/certification/certi...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Saithe Fisheries Saithe fisheries were first certified in September...re-certification to the Icelandic saithe ( Pollachius virens ) fisheries...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Certification of haddock and saithe fisheries 8 September 2013...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Icelandic haddock and saithe fisheries certified 1 October 2013...2013 Fisheries for haddock and saithe in Icelandic waters have been...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Certification report for Saithe fisheries available online 4...certification report for Icelandic Saithe fisheries (January 23, 2015)...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

for IRF certified Haddock and Saithe available 24 January 2017 Global...Surveillance reports for haddock and saithe fisheries. The unit of certification...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Certification of Haddock and Saithe Fisheries 20 April 2018 Global...Melanogrammus aeglefinus ) and Saithe ( Pollachius virens ) Commercial...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Haddock and saithe fisheries re-certified to IRFM standard 30...Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and Saithe ( Pollachius virens ) fisheries....

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Custody Procedure: Haddock and Saithe Fisheries 18 December 2013...2013 The Icelandic haddock and saithe fisheries have been certified...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Saithe and Golden Redfish enter certification process...interests in Icelandic Haddock, Saithe and Golden Redfish have submitted...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Haddock and Saithe available online 22 February...Reports for Cod, Haddock and Saithe fisheries. The unit of certification...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Haddock and Saithe Fisheries 2 August 2016 During...golden redfish, cod, haddock and saithe commercial fisheries against...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Haddock and Saithe Fisheries 19 October 2015 During...Icelandic cod, haddock and saithe commercial fisheries as certified,...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Haddock- and Saithe fisheries re-certified 4 February...Icelandic Cod-, Haddock- and Saithe fisheries. The certification...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Haddock and saithe fisheries re-certified to IRFM standard 30...Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and Saithe ( Pollachius virens ) fisheries....

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

of the Icelandic Haddock & Saithe Commercial Fisheries 27 November...

Skrár www.responsiblefisheries.is/media/1/irfm-saithe...


studied saithe, and its place in the ecosystem. Saithe are not...protect spawning saithe as well, but saithe generally spawn earlier...

Skrár www.responsiblefisheries.is/media/1/form-9h-irf...


name: Icelandic saithe (Ufsi) Stock: Saithe in ICES Division...haddock and saithe. FAO-Based IRFM Programme Icelandic Saithe 4th Surveillance...

Skrár www.responsiblefisheries.is/media/1/form-9h-irf...


Number of saithe samples and number of saithe aged at sea and...Icelandic saithe. .......... 29 Table 6. Harvest rule for Saithe, as...

Skrár www.responsiblefisheries.is/media/1/irfm-saithe...


protect spawning saithe as well, but saithe generally spawn earlier...studied saithe, and its place in the ecosystem. Saithe are not...

Skrár www.responsiblefisheries.is/media/1/form-9h-irf...


*Muppet’ software for saithe, although, as saithe typically is difficult...Certification Programme Icelandic Saithe Commercial Fishery 2nd Surveillance...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Certification of haddock and saithe fisheries 8 September 2013...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Icelandic haddock and saithe fisheries certified 1 October 2013...2013 Fisheries for haddock and saithe in Icelandic waters have been...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Certification report for Saithe fisheries available online 4...certification report for Icelandic Saithe fisheries (January 23, 2015)...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

for IRF certified Haddock and Saithe available 24 January 2017 Global...Surveillance reports for haddock and saithe fisheries. The unit of certification...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Certification of Haddock and Saithe Fisheries 20 April 2018 Global...Melanogrammus aeglefinus ) and Saithe ( Pollachius virens ) Commercial...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Haddock and saithe fisheries re-certified to IRFM standard 30...Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and Saithe ( Pollachius virens ) fisheries....

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Custody Procedure: Haddock and Saithe Fisheries 18 December 2013...2013 The Icelandic haddock and saithe fisheries have been certified...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Saithe and Golden Redfish enter certification process...interests in Icelandic Haddock, Saithe and Golden Redfish have submitted...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Haddock and Saithe available online 22 February...Reports for Cod, Haddock and Saithe fisheries. The unit of certification...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Haddock and Saithe Fisheries 2 August 2016 During...golden redfish, cod, haddock and saithe commercial fisheries against...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Haddock and Saithe Fisheries 19 October 2015 During...Icelandic cod, haddock and saithe commercial fisheries as certified,...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Haddock- and Saithe fisheries re-certified 4 February...Icelandic Cod-, Haddock- and Saithe fisheries. The certification...

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Haddock and saithe fisheries re-certified to IRFM standard 30...Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and Saithe ( Pollachius virens ) fisheries....

Fréttir www.responsiblefisheries.is/news-and-media/news...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

of the Icelandic Haddock & Saithe Commercial Fisheries 27 November...

Síður www.responsiblefisheries.is/certification/certi...

Iceland Responsible Fisheries for the benefit o...

Saithe Fisheries Saithe fisheries were first certified in September...re-certification to the Icelandic saithe ( Pollachius virens ) fisheries...

Skrár www.responsiblefisheries.is/media/1/irfm-saithe...


studied saithe, and its place in the ecosystem. Saithe are not...protect spawning saithe as well, but saithe generally spawn earlier...

Skrár www.responsiblefisheries.is/media/1/form-9h-irf...


name: Icelandic saithe (Ufsi) Stock: Saithe in ICES Division...haddock and saithe. FAO-Based IRFM Programme Icelandic Saithe 4th Surveillance...

Skrár www.responsiblefisheries.is/media/1/form-9h-irf...


Number of saithe samples and number of saithe aged at sea and...Icelandic saithe. .......... 29 Table 6. Harvest rule for Saithe, as...

Skrár www.responsiblefisheries.is/media/1/irfm-saithe...


protect spawning saithe as well, but saithe generally spawn earlier...studied saithe, and its place in the ecosystem. Saithe are not...

Skrár www.responsiblefisheries.is/media/1/form-9h-irf...


*Muppet’ software for saithe, although, as saithe typically is difficult...Certification Programme Icelandic Saithe Commercial Fishery 2nd Surveillance...